Building the Green Liberty Slate

Dear prospective truth leader,

We are building a slate of candidates from multiple political parties. The PAC seeks to support candidates committed to a truth politics and provides the means for collaberation aimed at our mutual success. 

The Green Liberty PAC, in collaboration with the Green Liberty Caucus, seeks to build a Green Liberty Slate; engaging voters in communities across this nation in the vital work of overthrowing corruption with a revolution at the ballot box.  Towards that end, we provide technical support for candidates and campaign staff who are ready to leverage awareness of the state crimes and corruption which have impoverished our communities and undermined the legitimacy of democratic governance.  

Running as a truth leader takes a special kind of courage. Green Liberty PAC recognizes the difficulty of advancing a green liberty campaign. We simultaneously denounce the big lies that cover up state crimes, and we make a call for liberation from the plutocracy. We criticize the corruption of deep state but also espouse principles for a free society. Our goal is to help candidates orient as green libertarians,  launch their campaign; and we provide media support.

Green Liberty PAC is building a green liberty community. No individual should, nor can be  reasonably expected, to stand up against the full might of the power structure . Using the electoral office race as a bully pulpit for making the Green Liberty critique can help build a real revolution.

Green Liberty is a political community for independents, Green Party, Democratic and Republicans, and Constitutionalists who accept that accountability for state crimes, transparency in governmental affairs, and protection of whistleblowers are key planks for running for office and for building a movement against the power elite and for the people and nature.

Through campaigning and debates,  we introduce and spread a truth politics that shows how the current leadership is corrupted on account of not objecting to malfeasance. By criticizing the state crimes and other failures based on frauds, green liberty candidates can simultaneously advance arguments for better society.

Green Liberty PAC provides training for running a campaign, and we provide ongoing support around media messaging.

40% of Americans are non-affiliated, independent of any political party. Robert Kennedy Jr. is running as an independent since the Democratic National Committee refused an honest primary run against Biden. Dennis Kucinich is returning to the political field as an independent.

Many Americans have alienated from the two party system and are looking for a political home. We think green libertarianism that subscribes to principles of mutual aid, a cooperative commons,  democratic money supply not tethered to the banking cartels, and society built on ecological, regenerative principles, can unite a majority of Americans ultimately in an egalitarian revolution.

In the training, we will cover the green liberty critique and introduce the bricks and mortar for building a grass roots campaign.

Here is a link to Cynthia McKinney’s lecture to the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Truth, which inspires Green Liberty PAC:

Please explore the resources available here.  If you are ready to help us build a Green Liberty Slate, use the form provided to reach out.  We're eager to start working together.