Chuck Fall, Retired, Green Liberty Caucus Organizer

Chuck Fall was inspired to fuse Green and Liberty into a Green Liberty caucus out of indignation at the multiple state crimes that have been conducted over the last three generations. He cites the lecture by Cynthia McKinney to the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Truth which appeals to leaders in the truth community to take on the role of candidate for electoral office.  

He supports the call for an egalitarian revolution but holds a sharp critique toward elements of the power structure that operate as deep state and deny us our democracy by committing state crimes. Chuck holds a  dissident view of world affairs and believes ‘we the people’ have lost control of our destiny and capacity to influence the course society takes. We need to unite in common cause and with common values for truth, accountability, and justice. He advances Green Liberty as a fulcrum point for leveraging society out of the grip of the plutocracy. 


Emanuel Pastreich started his campaign for President of the United States in February, 2020 and sought the nomination for the Green Party of the United States, along with Dr. Cornel West, in September, 2023. His collection of campaign speeches “I shall Fear No Evil” (September, 2020) has been translated into 13 languages and parts have been translated into another twenty languages. 

Emanuel Pastreich, President of the Asia Institute

Pastreich has written articles about the environment, technology, globalization, international relations and security over the last twenty years, including numerous books in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. His most recent book, a collection of speeches from the 2024 campaign, is titled A Bitter Tonic Known as Truth. His writings at Global Research are widely read. 

He is best known for his advocacy for 9.11 truth, COVID-19 truth, Federal Reserve truth, and addressing the collapse of biodiversity and the destruction of the climate. 

Emanuel Pastreich serves as the president of the Asia Institute (, a think tank that builds bridges between individuals in Asia and around the world to respond to the greatest challenges of our time: climate change, the impact of technological change on human society, the rapidly shifting nature of international relations, and the spread of a culture of anti-intellectualism. 

Pastreich started his career as an assistant professor of Japanese literature at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1998-2005).  

Pastreich received a B.A. in Chinese literature from Yale University (1987), a Master’s Degree in comparative culture from the University of Tokyo (1992) and a Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University (1997). He studied abroad at National Taiwan University (1984-85) and Korea University (1998). He is fluent in English, Chinese, Japanese, French and Korean.