Green Liberty PAC

Green Liberty PAC forms the vanguard of a national movement for the liberation of citizens from the oligarchic domination of our society by corporations and banks, and the billionaire parasite class that lurks behind them. We support a new generation of leaders in truth politics who are not afraid to ask the questions, and demand a response and a solution, not just in late-night chat rooms, or in hushed conversations among friends, but in civil society, entering the halls of government through the front door to demand justice and to drive out the money changers.  
We welcome you to join us, to participate in this historic effort to rebuild our nation from the foundations up by forming intellectually and economically self-sufficient communities that will allow us to fulfill our full human potential while guarding against the predations of the rich and powerful.      Green Liberty reaches out a comforting and reliable hand to all who are lost or threatened, impoverished or indebted, alienated or abandoned by a society gone wrong and a politics gone insane. We promise to build a liberation coalition that will serve as the backbone for a mass movement of the scale, the intensity, and the spiritual and intellectual rigor necessary to transform our society and restore sovereign rights at every level in a cultural, spiritual, economic, and political sense.    
Green Liberty breaks decisively with the false concept of politics as kabuki that is promoted by the corrupt media, a narcissistic show wherein “we the people” can only play a role as spectators and have no choice but to send money to politicians who will never meet with us, or represent us, but who will occasionally shower us with crumbs and bombard us slick speeches written up by PR firms which promise the Kingdom Come but deliver nothing.   
Empowering a new generation of truth leaders  
Green Liberty PAC takes the support of truth leaders in American politics as its primary goal for the first years, offering advice, training, infrastructure, funding, and robust networks to allow citizens committed to the pursuit of truth, the end of rule by the plutocrats, and the exposure of state crimes.  
We will offer concrete ways for the emerging truth leaders to march forward from the margins to seize the center stage in American politics, so that speaking truth to power is no longer a cause for ostracization, but rather a legitimate claim to moral authority. We will help such truth leaders to get their stories in the media, if we have to create a new form of journalism, to find supporters, if we must launch new political movements, and to find the economic and above all moral, encouragement and empathy that they require to move the United States in the right direction, if we have to challenge the entire corrupt political establishment.  
Just as the stand of John Brown at Harper’s Ferry in 1859 in which he and his followers asserted that slavery was not a peculiar institution to be resolve progressively over decades and centuries, but an act of war against the citizens of the republic, inspired Americans to renounce the immoral compromises with that vile system that had become the norm; just as the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto by a handful of men and women showed Europeans that it was possible to stand up against the fascistic government that stretched to the horizon and seemed invincible, inspired similar resistance everywhere, so also the refusal of Green Liberty to compromise on the control of the economy, education, journalism, and the entire policy process by the rich and powerful, to accept or deny state crimes, to go along with economic and social policies that empower the few and enslave the many, will transform the political culture of the United States fundamentally and make America great for the first time.  
Our promise  
The media, controlled by a handful of powerful corporations, works hard to convince us that we must seek out magicians to solve our problems for us. Green Liberty promises you that will be empowered to build a better society with your own hands, citizen by citizen, block by block, city by city, state by state. We denounce the cardboard messiahs and limited-hangout truth tellers who have led the American public astray in the quest of personal fortunes.

There is no road to good government except that which we will lay down in our own communities, brick by brick, with our own hands.

Green Liberty will create citizens’ journalism that will replace the media swamp, provide honest and participatory political meetings for all citizens in every neighborhood, and promote honest education stressing scientific inquiry, independent reasoning, understanding of history and culture in context, and universal moral values that bring us together as one. That education will be for ordinary citizens and will help them to understand the reality behind the lies, and to organize effectively to overturn the corrupt political order that we face so that they can fulfill their duties as citizens.

What will we do?  
Green Liberty asks you to join us a struggle to transform the United States. Your donations are welcome, of course. But our movement is not about collecting money. Far more critical to us, and to you, are your ideas, your dreams, your labor, and your personal commitment to truth and justice for all.

Green Liberty will never judge your value as a citizen, as a member of our movement, on the basis of how much money you can contribute, or how much education you have received. There are so many ways you can help us in this struggle for freedom and equality, for justice and transparency.

That is to say that above all it will be your efforts that will form the sinews that bind citizens to a government which is accountable and transparent. Green Liberty will create neighborhood organizations that are democratic and participatory and that will be the backbone for a representative democracy. If there is no democracy concerning the urban planning in your neighborhood, or the curriculum for your school, then there cannot be any democracy in the state house, or in the White House and Congress.

Whether it is the sprawling prisons filled with the innocent, the decaying infrastructure that stunts our children’s futures, or the promulgation of a culture of consumption and indulgence that has destroyed the virtues of frugality, modesty and humility, there is so much work do to.

In a word, Green Liberty is preparing the means to halt the complete collapse of the republic.    
Our Declaration of Independence empowers us thus:    
“When it becomes painfully self-evident that a long train of abuses and usurpations are born of the pursuit of absolute despotism, it then becomes our right, and our duty, to provide new guards for the people’s future security.”   
Green Liberty will “provide new guards” by restoring a discourse in politics that is honest, supporting political leaders who are dedicated to truth and justice, establishing a government that holds up an ideal, and that implements that ideal with moral intent. Until we do so, all promises made by politicians, whether they call themselves “conservative” or “progressive,” will not mean much.    We stand for your individual liberty as the primary guard against tyranny, but we also hold that no individual should have to stand alone in the fight for liberty and justice.

Green Liberty will form a political community for mutual support that places liberty in the context of justice, defends constitutional rights, and advances the fundamental values of humanity while denouncing explicitly the state crimes that have rendered our republic as a decayed empire.    Green Liberty demands that state crimes be faced, not covered up, and that the victims be served with justice, not distracted and deceived.  
That will make our Constitution more than words on paper, make it a living compact with all our citizens. We will hold the hidden powers accountable, insist that the government conduct itself transparently, and expose the parasitic forces of wealth, privilege, and entitlement that have reduced our republic to a puppet show.    

With your help, we can reclaim our republic from the grasp of the plutocratic oligarchy that set in place a secret government on November 23, 1963, one that remains there to this day.    
Had the true leaders of the 1960s, not those in the pay of banks and corporations, had John F Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Robert F, Kennedy, Fred Hampton, and other leaders not been assassinated, American history may well have arced toward justice, as Dr. King had envisioned.  
That arc of towards justice was shattered and we can only rebuild it by speaking the truth and thereby giving citizens hope, not fear, inspiration, not despair, and confidence, not dependency.  
Green liberty is symbolized by the Statue of Liberty that holds up a torch to light up the way for all who are lost in darkness, calling out, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” We will form local, self-sufficient, communities that will stand for what is GREEN (the sustainable, the renewable, and all that is in harmony with nature) and for LIBERTY (all of our fundamental human and civil rights) by advancing economic, intellectual, and spiritual independence in every corner of the land, supporting resistance to techno-totalitarian governance, and standing with citizens always as they fight back against the bankers control of the economy, the bio-fascists control of the body, and the propagandists tyrannical brainwashing of the mind.      

We welcome you to join our team for life, and we will stand with you as we build, from the ground up, the institutions necessary to take back this nation, and to take back this Earth, from the globalists who have falsely claimed possession of everything.    

Join us! The truth goes marching on!