Our relationship with the Green Liberty Caucus

Green Liberty is grounded in Green values and a libertarian sensibility inspired by indignation at the lack of accountability for state crimes that has bred elite impunity and corruption. Green Liberty advances a truth politics dedicated to demanding accountability, transparency in government and corporate affairs and support for whistleblowers. 

Green Liberty PAC is dedicated to raising and distributing political funds to support the development of a slate across the nation with the courage to call out state crimes and advance an egalitarian revolution.  

The Green Liberty PAC is a political complement to the work of the Green Liberty Caucus.  The PAC provides for a transparent means to raise and disburse funds to support the work of the Caucus.  

The Green Liberty Caucus seeks to build out chapters in every state, local regions, cities and towns and counties to form a united bloc dedicated to building a cross partisan liberation coalition.

Green Liberty PAC raises and distributes political donations toward training political truth leaders and the staff and volunteers every campaign needs for success.  We seek to educate citizens and voters to be activists; activists to be organizers; and cultivate organizers as community leaders and candidates.  Green Liberty PAC will provide training and support for candidates and their campaigns, for the organizers of non-electoral campaigns which advance the aims of the Liberty Coalition, necessary to their success.