Green Liberty PAC

Green Liberty PAC forms the vanguard of a national movement for the liberation of citizens from the oligarchic domination of our society by corporations and banks and we welcome you to join us, to participate in a historic effort to rebuild our nation  from the bottom up by forming intellectually and economically self-sufficient communities that will allow us to fulfill our human potential independent of the predations of the rich and powerful.   

Green Liberty reaches out to all who are lost or threatened, impoverished or indebted, promising a substantial liberation coalition that will serve as the backbone for a mass movement of the scale, the intensity, and the spiritual and intellectual rigor necessary to transform our society.  

Fear No EvilGreen Liberty breaks decisively with the false concept of politics that is promoted by the corrupt media wherein “we the people” have only a role as observers and have no choice but to send money to politicians who will never meet with us, or truly represent us, who will only occasionally shower us with crumbs and slick speeches written up by PR firms that promise everything but deliver nothing. 

The media, controlled by a handful of powerful corporations, works hard to convince us that we must seek out magicians to solve our problems for us. Green liberty says we must build a better society with our own hands. There is no road to good government except that which we lay down in our own communities by with our own hands.  

Green Liberty will create citizens’ journalism that can replace the media swamp, provide real political meetings for all citizens, and promote honest education for ordinary people that will help them to understand the reality behind the lies and to organize effectively to overturn the corrupt political order we face.   

Green Liberty asks you to join us a struggle to transform the United States. Your donations are welcome, but your ideas, your labors, your personal commitment are far more important for us. 

Green Liberty will never judge your value as a citizen, as a member, on the basis of how much money you can contribute. There are so many ways you can help us in this struggle for freedom and equality.  

Your efforts will form the sinews which bind citizens to a government which is accountable. Green Liberty will create neighborhood organizations that are democratic and participatory and can support a representative democracy for the nation.  

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